hello everyone,
yesterday i was checking out some new blogs that i recently found, and among them all i enjoyed Mini's Blog i love her colorful 3d nail arts. they're so eye catching and so adorable plus i find her really funny and cool and oh she's really cute =). her tutorials was great and it can help you a lot. i was inspired to do some 3D art and i came up with this TRANSFORMICE eeee

yesterday i was checking out some new blogs that i recently found, and among them all i enjoyed Mini's Blog i love her colorful 3d nail arts. they're so eye catching and so adorable plus i find her really funny and cool and oh she's really cute =). her tutorials was great and it can help you a lot. i was inspired to do some 3D art and i came up with this TRANSFORMICE eeee
unluckily i ran out of liquid monomer and can't do the rest of my nails. huhu so sad. well anyway how did you like my cheese? hihi.
and oh i also received an award YAY!! i'am a KREATIV BLOGGER thanks to my dearest friend Zarina of MARSHEE13.
the rules are simple
1. Pass this award on to 10 bloggers of your choice
2. Write 10 facts about yourself
So here it Goes:
10 Facts About me:
1. I have Ichthyophobia or the Fear of the Fish.
2. I'm so Obsessed with Winnie The Pooh in fact my pooh collection is starting to grow really really fast.
3. i'm a picture freak
4. i can Sing, Dance, Act, Draw and can even play some musical instruments like piano, guitar and drums.
5. i'm good in using oil pastels. well coloring is my major i guess.
6. i'm good at Animations and pictures/video editing. i might take a masteral for it.
7. i love cleaning my room.
8. what i really want is to become a Psychologist but i ended up being a IT Professional.
9. loves designing, crafting and inventing stuffs ART ART ART
10. I eat a lot. that's why i easily gets fat. well can't blame the food they're so Yummy.
Now I'm tagging:
- Julie of Prettyfulz
- Paulina of aplaceformynails
- beautyshades
- Biba of bibasbeautycorner
- Erika of chloesnails
- Gwyneth of gwynethbg
- thepolishaholic
- Sarah of spellbindingnails
- Steph of imperfectlypainted
- Annelise of nonakednails
thanks for reading
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