Hey Y'all! Im so sorry this is a terribly late update to the contest I entered for Valentine's day nail art designs. Configure1973 announced the winners in this video. Congratulations to the other winners! Here are links to their youtube pages 2nd place: IHaveACupcake 1st place: Dollface22772
Those two ladies did some really awesome designs! Be sure to check them out! Dollface22772 also has a blog which you can find here.
On a side note, I might be MIA for a week or 2. I have to sort my website out but trust me I have some awesome design ideas in store so stay tuned!
Yay! I just got my gift that I purchased on Ebay! A huge set that has 60 pieces of nail art decorations! I also got a couple of extra items to go along with the decorations. I purchased this set from Tamanala's Ebay store.
The set contains 5 different types of decorations with 12 colors of each one! It was a really great price even though I must say her shipping charges are high. When you add the shipping with the extremely low price you basically come out even but I still think it was a good price. The whole set came to about $25 including shipping. Decorations included in the set are glitter dust, steel mini beads, glitter strips, small round glitter and large hexagon glitter.
Well Ladies, hope you all enjoy the haul video I've made! And definitely watch out for some more tutorials and experiments! Thanks so much for all of your support and interest. Happy Friday and have an AWESOME weekend!!!
Hey Ladies! This is the design I decided to do on my own nails. I liked it so much that I decided to use it in another nail art contest! Luxuriousnails is having a nail art contest here so check it out if you're interested. For this design I made the gold glitter acrylic that I used for the disco queen design.
On that I did two different designs. The 1st was done on the pointer, middle and pinky finger. That design was a large 3mm black rhinestone surrounded by gold mini beads and then I put a smaller 2mm black rhinestone on each side and then a gold mini bead on each side of the smaller black rhinestones.
For the second design which I put on my thumb and ring fingers I created a bow out of black acrylic with black glitter. I made this acrylic myself with clear acrylic that I put black eye shadow dust from L.A. Colors {yes the L.A.Colors that you can get in the Dollar Tree (^,^)} and then black glitter that I got in a sample pack from Michael's craft store!
I really hope y'all like this design! Have a great week! Enjoy the tutorial.
Hey Ladies!This nail art design is inspired by the Disco era! Being a 70's child I love that era, it brings back so many great memories! Anyway for this design, I used 3 sizes of gold glitter to create a french tip. I only mixed the finest grain of glitter with the acrylic for the first layer of the nail. After that I put the larger on top of the wet acrylic and then covered it all with another layer of acrylic. On top of that I created a crown with the gold glitter acrylic mix that I made, then decorated the crown with gold mini beads and rhinestones.
The crown came out really pretty but the fact that it is glitter also makes it very hard to see. I would have to say that looking back I would like to try it again and paint it gold before applying the gold mini beads and rhinestones. I purchased the rhinestones from Michael's craft store and they are included in the contest that I am holding on my youtube channel. The small and medium sized glitter I got in some sample packs from Michael's and the large hexagram gold glitter I got from Walmart. I also want to let y'all know that I have decided to have monthly blog giveaways as well! They won't be huge but definetely a nice little treat. I have put a poll on the side of the blog to get some information on what types of gifts you ladies are most interested in. Please leave me a comment and let me know! I really want to offer you ladies gifts that you want and/or are having trouble getting your hands on.
I hope you ladies enjoy the design & tutorial video, I was really feeling nostalgic so the music I chose was Remember the Time by Michael Jackson. One of my favorite songs by him! Below are a few pictures of the design.
Hello lovelies! I am happy to announce that I have reached 100 subscribers on my youtube channel! To celebrate I am having my 1st nail art contest. It is open to all of my followers as well! Since this is my 1st contest there will only be one winner. The theme for this contest is Designer Nails. Take a look at the prize!
The rules for the contest are as follows:
1. You must be a subscriber. 2. You must follow my blog. 3. Must be an original video & design. 4.No stamping. You can use rhinestones and any nail decorations! {I love it =)} 5. You should post your entry as a video response to this video. {on youtube} 6. It can be either a live tutorial or a slide show but you must show the steps of your design. 7. You must title your video My entry to lololicious69's designer nail art contest. 8. You can enter as many times as you want! 9. Contest ends 12 AM EST Sunday March 15 10. If you're under 18 please get your parents permission.
Here's a small description of the prize and close-ups:
3 Art Club Nail Art Polishes: #43 Sunrise, #10 Light Pink, #51 Azure
2 Craft Essentials Craft Glitter: Bubble Gum, Disco
Dried Flowers: 12 colors, 3 styles
2 Rhinestone wheels: Crystal, Multi-colored, 840 in each, assorted sizes
Martha Stewart Micro Beads: Valentine's 3 Pack ~ Hot Pink, Red, Light Pink
Good Luck & I really hope you all have fun! Be sure to stay tuned to the blog too because I have decided that I will have a monthly giveaway just for my blog followers! Nothing to fancy, just a token of my appreciation for supporting me!
Hey Y'all! This design is my 3rd entry to myglitternails acrylic nail art contest which you can find here. It's only open until Valentine's day which is just a few days away. I wanna get as many entries as possible in because I really wanna win! The prizes are phenomenal!!!
This design was inspired by Shari's Berries, a company that sells Chocolate covered strawberry gift packages and other delectable desserts. Below are a few of my favorite gift packages. I haven't had the opportunity to try them but I would love to receive one of theses beautiful gift packages! Especially for Valentines Day!
These are so beautiful. But the awesome thing is they have packages for several occassions! Check out their wedding, baby and birthday packages! Aren't they simply adorable?!
Now on to the design! For this one I used white and clear acrylic. I mixed the pink and chocolate myself with eyeshadow! This design was pretty difficult and definiteley time consuming but the outcome was really pretty to me. I think if I were to do it over I would only put 1 berry on each finger, but I wanted to try all 3 colors so I just went for it.
Well, I hope y'all enjoy the tutorial! Below I've posted some more pictures of the design. On another note, Yay for snow days! Hopefully I'll have time to do another. I really think I want to try the teddy bear! =D
Hey Y'all! I'm so hype because Configure1973 did an interpretation of my Queen of Hearts design and she did such an awesome job! I love the way she switched the black with white and the gold mini beads with silver! Now thats what I like! I hope that people will like my designs enough to want to try themself.
More snow coming up tommorrow so hopefully I'll be snowed in on Wednesday and can do a couple of designs because I was lazy this weekend. Sorry bout that but my hubby just changed his wirk schedule and we finally have weekends off together after years!!! So be patient with me cause I will be a bit busy. =P
Anywayz stay safe those of you who are waitin on the 2nd blizzard in a week. I'll be glad when this winter is over!
Hey Y'all! I just wanted to let y'all know about some great give away's that are going on rite now. The lovely ladies of nail art are going all out so be sure to check out & enter all of the give away contests that are mentioned below! There's sure to be something offered you've been drooling over.
To celebrate reaching 300 followers Naive Nails will be giving away some beautiful Holographic polishes. Check out the announcement here . I really want them all! =D
Tuli is having a romantic Valentine's give away here. Very pretty package that is being given away pictured below.
Hey Y'all! This is my Tokidoki inspired Valentine's day 3d nail art design. Tokidoki is a skate design collection by Simone Legno. His art is very cute & I absolutely love it! Some peices that are available in his collection are purses, clothing, jewelry and much more. And the best thing is that he has a Hello Kitty collection that is just too awesome for mere words! The Hello Kitty for Tokidoki is super cute & merchandise can be purchased from Sanrio & Tokidoi.it.
Here is a picture of the cute couple that I used as reference.
Unfortunately, the collection is a bit pricey so the only thing I have purchased is this cell phone strap which I got from Strapya World and the Leo print bag. I got the bag from Ebay. They have quite a few really cute ones that came out in 2009. Well here are the Tokidoki items that I have.
I really wanted the Leo Hello Kitty bag but I couldn't bring myself to spend $300... It is very cute though!
I did create a full tutorial for this design and that you will find below along with a few more pictures. Have a great weekend!