Just a lil update seeing as I aint posted ina while!
So I started off the month being ill! Im hardly ever ill so when I am its quite bad but it doesn't last long either which is good, it started off as a lil cough then everyday it just got a bit worse. I woke up on Thursday morning & I puked! it was so bad, spent the rest of the day in bed, hardly eating anything, but before I slept I gave in & took a tablet, what a way to spend my CNY! Woke up so much better on Friday morning though and I've got better ever since. So I didn't really have a great CNY but I did enjoy all the food on the days before! We had a lil hotpot as our pre new years dinner then on new years eve we had the traditional dinner. YUM!

I felt so crappy that week but I did go out fora bit on Saturday night, it was so last minute but atleast i got some AIR! I was worrying so much aswell cus on that Monday I found out I had a portfolio at LCC the next Wednesday & cus I was ill I lost a couple days where I could of done more work, so spent the rest of the weekend and Monday getting my portfolio ready, the portfolio was sucha nightmare cus its so big (A1) and it was so heavy, my floor was like a death zone with scissors and scalpels here & there but by Monday night I got it all done cus I knew Tuesday was gonna be a busy day, I still had my sketchbook to fill up though. Tuesday was Trang's birthday and she was coming back from her holiday that evening and having a meal, 3 of us planned to bake her a cake aswel so most of my day was spent buying ingredients and baking it. I woke up late so I didn't have much time to add any work to my sketchbook, I couldn't be bothered when I got home either because it was about 12 & I was exhausted, did a few bits & bobs & just headed to bed!
Heres the cake we baked! It was just a chocolate cake, there weren't any chocolate fudge icing left at the shop which was a shame so we just made buttercream. It looked so much better without the bottom layer because we didn't have time to let it cool so the buttercream was just oozing out in the middle, by the time the the cake came out for her that night the buttercream in the middle just melted everywhere! I've only ever baked lil cupcakes & stuff so this is the first cake I've ever baked, it turnt out alright though, we were proud! haha!

So Wednesday was the day of the portfolio review, I managed to do a couple of pages in my sketchbook that morning which made me feel a bit better and luckily my dad gave me a lift to elephant & castle. We all got there for 10 and was told to come back and get our portfolios at 5 so we had a whole 7 hours to waste. A couple of us from Ravensbourne decided to go together up west to just hang out, we went troc & it was nice being a kid again, playing games to get those yellow tickets lol! We exchanged them for rings & braclets which were probably only worth like 10p but it was good fun, went on the bumper cars aswell which is always good fun but sucha rip off! went to chinatown for lunch then we headed back to troc because the guys wanted another inflatable hammer =.= We still had a couple more hours so we decided to do something education & went to the science museum, I've never been before so I thought I'd check it out, its pretty cool there! Good for kids lol. Anyway headed back after & I took my fat heavy portfolio ond bus to go home, my hands were hurting so much! We was supposed to find out if we got in or not in 24hours but I still aint heard from them, pstt!
Anyway! I ordered a couple of things online this week, I love receiving parcels especially when they come so quick!
I got my first lomography camera! the Holga 120TLR. Basically its just a plastic camera and it uses film. The photos aren't supposed to come out crispy clear like digital cameras, they're supposed to be flawed & have that vintage-look, I haven't used it yet but I can't wait to try it out. I'm not sure if I can just take the film and get it developed at any photo place though =/. I wanted the Diana F+ Alice in Wonderland one but it was so expensive!
I got this aswell, another Jewelry hanger but its a standing one. Its fugging beautiful, love it!!
& Thats it! Not really a "lil" update but yeah! I hope everyones had a nice start to the month, what are you guys getting up to for Valentines? Leave a comment below.
Toodles. x