Tuesday, October 26, 2010

My work place, My nailart Station

Hi everyone,

i'm feeling fine now but i don't have time to do my nails today because of my classes. so i'll just share you my cute little work place where i spend most of my time doing nail arts. my room is really small (and so does my height lol!) but each of my things has it's own place. sometimes my room looks really untidy but then before going to bed i assure that everything is neat and clean.

so this is my work place. actually this was my study table and i usually put my laptop in this table but since laptops are portable, i usually surf, blog and play games on my bed. so i decided to use this table as my nail art station. it is quite small but i fit in. my hands are small and i am small too. lol!

that's me on the mirror. Oh, i placed that mirror in there because... i simply love mirrors =)
 Let's get closer, that's the left side to the center side of my station. i have my acrylic paints in there, my palette, the plastic thing that i use in making my self made stickers, my practice fingers, my nail decorations (such as rhinestones, glitters, uncut fimos, molded acrylics and stuffs like that) was placed on that transparent container thing, my brushes (nail art and acrylic brushes) and dotter tool, rhinestone picker, wooden stick and twizers are placed on the transparent little container that i filled in with shells as a support for them.

Let's get closer to the right side of my station. on the top i have my nail treatments and stuffs that i use for my home spa. the acetone that i used for cleaning my image plates, my power file and under it is my nail art stamping machine. on the green container i have my edge cutter (cutting acrylics and fake nails), nail file and buffer, scissors, nail glue and a glue that i use for sticking my fake nails on my practice fingers, cutter for my fimos, measuring spoon which i use for mixing acrylic powders and a foot file.

this is closer view (left side) of the above image. in here i have my acrylic liquid and powder. those powder on the small containers is my own mixed color. behind it was my acrylic molds and sponges. my cotton balls and pads and also my Q-tips has it's own container but i only filled it up when i'm about to do my nail arts.

this is the closer view (center part) of the above image. i have here my fimos, my nail art pen's (i have sally hansen and the faceshop nailart pen's in black and white), my nail art decals, stickers, stripping tape and nail forms. my 2 way nail art pen and brush. my fake nails (the brown container is also my fake nails), art deco nail art polish, my special polish for stamping, my primer, image plates, stamper and my scraper.

under my table is a cabinet where i place my nail polishes. i have local brands and also some branded ones. i sorted it out according to its color so that i can find it easily when i need to use them.

i don't really have a huge collection of my nail art stuffs. that's all that i have for now. but i'm still waiting for my aunt,which will visit us (she's from California) and will arrive here on Nov. 2, she bought me a bunch of new hauls and it'll be added up to my collection. well, that's it for now.

Thank you for reading

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